The Rx Studio Platform

For true personalization, the assessment of a patient's next dose needs to be informed by multiple physiological contexts in real time, eg. demographics, medical history, therapeutic monitoring results, drug interactions, genetic & epi-genetic risk factors, metabolic pre-dispositions, eating habits etc.

Our clinical decision support platform is built to:

  • Maximize the use of contextual patient information
  • Minimize the time needed for a clinical decision
  • Go beyond population models, to integrate real-time patient data feedback
  • Provide technological embedding of recommendations at the point of decision
Vancomycin dose response forecast

Standard & Custom PK/PD/PGx Models to forecast drug response

  • Our standard models include the top antibiotic drug molecules used worldwide
  • Other models need EHR integration are custom built to ensure integrity

Easy-to-use web applications

  • Intuitive front-end available on any device and platform (mobile, tablet, desktop)
  • Downloadable applications on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS for seamless platform access and user experience
  • Support for locale unit of measurements (e.g. metric and imperial system), date and time formats, translated app interface and reports
Patient history entry form
Sample PDF report

Rich interactive reporting to inform decisions & auditability

  • View dose response forecast timeline
  • Warnings for model edge cases
  • PDF report for non-EHR documentation

EHR integrations to save time and maximize patient context

  • Available as HL7/FHIR SMART Apps
  • Prevent errors and save data entry time
  • Automate case history with custom workflows
  • Integrate genomic data in decisions
Works with SMART. The Children’s Medical Center Corporation and its affiliates and partners in no way endorse, certify or guarantee the quality of, Rx Studio or its products and services.
REST API Swagger Documentation

Developer SDKs and APIs for embedding recommendations

  • Run your own R/Python/Julia models using our developer SDKs
  • Scaled REST API support with response SLAs for embedded applications