Supported browsers and platforms

Why does redirect me here suggesting I update my browser?

A detailed explanation follows, but in short, it is required for increased security and better user experience. We need to ensure that:

  • your data can be safely transmitted to the Rx Studio servers, and
  • you can use the full power of the Rx Studio application.

Please install or upgrade to the most recent version of the supported browsers listed below.

The public Rx Studio app is a cloud-based web application that can be accessed from any up-to-date web browser both from desktop and mobile platforms. For the best user experience and results, we recommend running the most recent stable version of any major web browser, but support for older, still secure web browsers are also provided.

Desktop Devices

Rx Studio can run on all major operating systems, including Windows, Linux and macOS, and currently supports the latest stable versions of all major browsers, including but not limited to:

Please note that Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 is only supported under the Rx Studio Health System license for EHR-integrations, and not for the public Rx Studio application. Please get in touch if you require access to a standalone app compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.

Mobile Devices

Although Rx Studio is primarily optimized for desktop usage, standalone Rx Studio applications are developed with a responsive user interface that can scale down to smaller devices and screens. We test our applications on the major mobile operating systems, including Android and iOS smartphones and tablets, on the web browsers listed below.



Web Browser Configuration

The Rx Studio application does not require any custom configuration, but some web browser extensions and/or custom settings of your browser might result in suboptimal user experience. For best results, please make sure to

  • enable JavaScript for the and domains
  • enable cookies for the, and domains
  • enable traffic going to the, and domains
  • enable SSL/TLS protocol (at least TLSv1.2) HTTPS access

Frequently Asked Questions

Cannot find your browser in the above list?

Please install a recent version of one of the above to be able to use Rx Studio today, or reach out to us with your special needs.

Why don’t you support older web browsers?

Although the Rx Studio application might run on older web browsers, their security and data encryption protocols are often out of date, (e.g. supporting the most recent SSL/TLS protocols to encrypt communication between you and our servers) and rich user experiences are not supported. To ensure a secure and optimal user experience, we require up-to-date web browsers.